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Unsubscribe from One Main Financial’s Mailing List

July 19, 2022

One Main Financial, a mortgage lender headquartered in Texas, is yet another institution from which you may have received marketing mail—better known as junk mail

The good news is, it’s easy to stop receiving One Main Financial junk mail. Moreover, there are some additional steps you can take to ensure you remain opted out of their mailing list for good. 

What type of marketing mail does One Main Financial send? 

One Main Financial sends direct mail and email marketing to prospective customers, as well as current ones. They will also frequently send marketing materials to individuals who have applied for a mortgage through their organization but were rejected. 

While One Main Financial does offer customers official correspondence by mail, most of those customers still prefer not to receive any unsolicited marketing material. 

How do I unsubscribe from One Main Financial’s mailing list?  

While you can unsubscribe from the One Main Financial email marketing list easily through this online portal, the same is not true for its direct mail list. 

To stop direct marketing, the best way is to contact the customer service department. You can email or call 1-800-290-7002.

As an additional option, you can also message them on Twitter, where a member of the customer service team will likely respond to a DM. 

Though One Main Financial doesn’t provide a timeframe for how long an opt-out process takes, in our experience, expect to wait 4 to 6 weeks for the request to take effect.  

What if marketing mail from One Main Financial keeps coming? 

As mentioned, a request doesn’t take immediate effect, so wait at least 6 weeks for the opt out to process. However, if you still receive junk mail after that, take the following actions: 

  • Write “Refused: Return to Sender” on any unopened junk mail you receive from One Main Financial and send it back.
  • File a formal complaint with One Main Financial by writing to their customer service team at

How do I stay off One Main Financial’s mailing list for good? 

You have to understand, while unsubscribing from the One Main Financial mailing list is an important step to take toward receiving less junk mail, it doesn’t fully guarantee that you’ll stop getting junk mail for good.

The reason for this is, most companies acquire your marketing data through third-party intermediaries called data brokers. If you want to stop unwanted mail from One Main Financial, and other organizations, you have to delete your information from those data-broker sites.

However, with 500-plus data brokers operating in the U.S., each with a different opt-out process, it can prove to be a very complicated and time-consuming process.

While you can do the opt-out process on your own—especially if you have lots of time—a more efficient method is to hire DeleteMe to do it all for you. 

We’ve helped millions of customers remove personal information from data-broker sites for over ten years. In fact, we’re the leading data broker removal platform on the market. 
If you work with us, you’ll see a dramatic reduction in junk mail, spam calls, and emails, guaranteed. Our plans start at just $10.75 a month, so click here for details.

Will Simonds runs Senior Marketing Operations at DeleteMe, and is a steadfast privacy advocate who has a resolute dedication to online privacy solutions and helping people regain their privacy. …
Don’t have the time?

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