How to Remove Yourself from ThatsThem
Julianne Subia
Reading time: 2 minutes
DeleteMe’s ThatsThem Review
ThatsThem is a data broker website that collects and posts all kinds of personal information publicly online. They offer everything from people search, reverse address search, phone number search, reverse email lookup, VIN search and IP search; it’s pretty easy to find someone on ThatsThem if you have any of this information handy. Luckily, removing yourself from ThatsThem is actually pretty easy and the entire process should only take about 5 minutes.
Removing yourself from ThatsThem only requires you to fill out a quick opt-out form. After that, your request should be processed within 5-7 days, and your information will be removed from their site.
Speed: 5 | Difficulty: 1 |
How to Remove Yourself from ThatsThem
1. Search for yourself using your full name and location on If you have a common name, you should include your middle name or initial when searching to ensure you find the correct profile listing of yourself.
2. Click on your profile listing and note the listed information. You will need to enter your full name, email address, phone number and physical address as it appears in your profile listing into the opt-out form in the next step.
3. Go to the opt-out page for ThatsThem: Fill out the opt-out form with your information exactly as it appears on your profile listing. If ThatsThem does not have your email or phone number, we recommend using a Masked Email and Masked phone number from Blur.
4. We do not recommend checking any of the boxes below the opt-out form. Perform the CAPTCHA and click “Submit”.
5. Your information will be removed in 5-7 days.
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