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How to Stop Spectrum Junk Mail

June 9, 2022

Many of our customers come to us specifically asking how to stop Spectrum junk mail. Some of its mail is helpful correspondence to customers, such as billing information. But it seems that the majority of Spectrum’s mailings are promotional junk mail. 

Fortunately, removing your details from Spectrum’s mailing list is straightforward. And there are also some steps you can take to make sure you stay off its mailing list for good. 

What sort of junk mail do people receive from Spectrum?

Spectrum sends both customer account correspondence, such as billing information, and junk mail.

Junk mail from Spectrum usually takes the form of promotions and special offers on its cable and phone packages. What’s more, it’s also been reported that it uses tactics such as printing “important” on the outside of envelopes. This is to disguise junk mail as legitimate mail so more people open it. 

How to opt out of the Spectrum mailing list?  

Firstly, if you want your account correspondence to be paperless and only sent via email, you can do that here. However, this won’t stop junk mail from Spectrum. 

To achieve this, you need to complete a Spectrum privacy opt out via its website or over the phone.

  • Online
    • Go to the Privacy Preferences page on its website 
    • Enter your personal information including name and address
    • Tick the boxes for all the marketing you wish to opt out from
Spectrum privacy preferences
communication preferences spectrum
how to reach me spectrum
  • Phone
    • You can also opt out by phone by calling 1-855-75-SPECTRUM

How long until a Spectrum opt out request takes effect?

According to its website, it can take 60 days for a Spectrum do not mail list request to be processed. Therefore, you may still receive junk mail during this period.

What can I do if I continue to receive Spectrum junk mail after opting out?

If you’ve waited over 60 days after opting out and are still receiving junk mail from Spectrum, you have a few options. 

  • Firstly, you can send unwanted mail back to Spectrum. If there is a return address on the junk mail envelope, write “Refused. Return To Sender” on the front and put it back in the mailbox.
  • You also have the right to make a formal complaint. Spectrum offers plenty of options on how to make a complaint in its Resolution Center.

What can I do to ensure my details stay off Spectrum’s mailing list?

To ensure you don’t start receiving junk mail again from Spectrum in the future, you need to ensure you don’t consent to receiving marketing when you interact with the company . 

However, this alone doesn’t guarantee that you’ll stop spectrum junk mail. 

The reason being is that many organizations such as Spectrum purchase personal data via third party data brokers.

Therefore, to ensure you stop receiving junk mail from Spectrum for good, you’ll need to keep your personal data off of data broker platforms. Doing this by hand can be extremely time consuming though, as there are over 500 data brokers in the US. 

A better option is to get DeleteMe to do it for you. We specialize in removing personal data from data brokers. And once your information is removed, you’ll start to see a reduction in spam calls and junk mail
Our plans start from just $10.75 per month. Click here for more details.

Will Simonds runs Senior Marketing Operations at DeleteMe, and is a steadfast privacy advocate who has a resolute dedication to online privacy solutions and helping people regain their privacy. …
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