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How to Make PCH Junk Mail Stop 

August 5, 2022

Shorthand for “Publisher’s Clearing House,” PCH is notorious for sending prospective customers massive amounts of junk mail. It’s very likely that some of their direct mail, special offers, or magazine subscriptions have landed in your mailbox already. 

Now, if you have found yourself on the PCH mailing list, don’t panic. It’s actually a pretty easy process to get removed and stop receiving unwanted junk mail from PCH.

What type of junk mail does PCH send? 

PCH markets merchandise and subscriptions using massive sweepstakes that offer chances to win cash and other prizes. These contests allow them to collect your marketing information. 

If you’ve ever communicated with PCH at any point, you’re more than likely on the mailing list. PCH’s junk mail usually promotes associated products or discount offers.

How do I stop receiving PCH junk mail?  

The good news is, you can unsubscribe from the PCH mailing list in a few quick steps.

Simply follow this link to begin a mailing list opt-out request. Enter your personal information and click “Submit.” The PCH customer service team will begin the removal process.

Your request to be removed from the PCH mail list should take effect within 8 weeks. 

What do I do if I still receive junk mail from PCH after opting out? 

If you still receive junk mail from PCH more than 2 months after you submitted the opt-out request, you can take the following actions. 

First, send any unopened mail from PCH back. If there is a return address, write “Refused: Return to Sender” on the envelope and put it in the mail. 

Next, you can try to file a formal complaint with PCH about the junk mail they’re continuing to send you. Their customer service team can be contacted at 1-800-459-4724. 

How can I stay off PCH’s mailing list? 

To begin with, make sure you never consent to marketing material anytime you interact with PCH in the future. For example, when signing up for a sweepstakes online. 

But, also, remember that unsubscribing from the PCH mailing list alone may not guarantee that you’re going to be totally free from their junk mail forever. 

As a result of the work of prolific data brokers, direct marketers don’t even need you to sign up to their mailing list to gain access to your personal information. 

In fact, hundreds of data brokers harvest your online details to sell to marketers without your consent. There are no laws or regulations to stop them from doing it. 

However, you can regain control of what they share by opting out of individual data-broker sites—a tedious task unless you hire removal specialists like DeleteMe

For over a decade, DeleteMe has helped millions of customers put an end to junk mail, spam texts, and robocalls by opting them out of data broker sites on their behalf. 
Find out more about how you can benefit from signing up for as little as $10.75 a month.

Will Simonds runs Senior Marketing Operations at DeleteMe, and is a steadfast privacy advocate who has a resolute dedication to online privacy solutions and helping people regain their privacy. …
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