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How to Stop SiriusXM Junk Mail [Permanently]

June 23, 2022

SiriusXM is a broadcast company known to bury U.S. homes in junk mail. Not only does it clog your mailbox, but it’s pretty wasteful, as almost all of it will end up in the trash. 

While putting an end to this junk mail might seem impossible, rest assured there are simple steps you can take to remove your name from the SiriusXM junk mail list. 

What types of junk mail SiriusXM sends

SiriusXM offers satellite radio subscription packages. If you’re a customer, you probably receive billing and account information from SiriusXM through the mail. 

But, it’s likely that most of what you receive is merely unnecessary marketing material. In fact, SiriusXM is known to disguise promo ads as important bills or “final” notices. 

How to unsubscribe from SiriusXM’s mailing list  

If you’re a SiriusXM junk mail recipient, request a “do not mail” status from their customer service department. Call 1-800-967-2346 or 1-888-539-7474. 

On their website, you’ll be directed to a “Contact Us” page when attempting to unsubscribe from SiriusXM, where customer service can be contacted via a live chat. 

Upon issuing the request, SiriusXM will remind you to update your mail preferences every three years to remain on their “do not mail” list. 

How long it takes to stop receiving mail from SiriusXM

SiriusXM doesn’t state in their privacy policy how long an opt-out request takes to be processed. 

But in our experience, most mailing list removal requests can be completed in 6 weeks. Keep in mind, that means you may continue to receive junk mail during that time. 

What to do if SiriusXM keeps sending you junk mail

If it’s been longer than 6 weeks since your formal opt-out request, and you continue to receive junk mail from SiriusXM, here are a few other options:

  • Send the mail back to SiriusXM. If there’s a return address, simply write “Refused: Return to Sender” on the front and put it in the mailbox. 
  • You should also consider filing a formal complaint with SiriusXM by contacting the customer service department at 1-800-967-2346 or 1-888-539-7474.
  • Register with DMAchoice, a $2 subscription service that can help limit the type of mail you receive (effective only if you’ve never responded to SiriusXM marketing). 

How to stay off SiriusXM’s mailing list

SiriusXM offers an explicit reminder: subsequent product or service purchases after an opt out will result in being readded, unless or until an additional “do not call” request is made.

What that means is, make sure to always state you do not want to be added to the SiriusXM mailing list whenever you correspond with them in the future. 

Unfortunately, however, even after taking one or all of these courses of action, you might still continue to receive junk mail from SiriusXM anyway—and data brokers are to blame.

These companies scour the Internet to harvest consumer personal information, bundle it all together, and sell it to marketers, or even the highest bidder. 

Removing your information from 500+ data-broker platforms can be a time-consuming process, but it’s truly the only effective way to get off junk mail lists once and for all, and stay off.

If you don’t have time to opt out of these data-broker sites on your own, DeleteMe can help by opting out on your behalf, and ensuring that your personal information stays protected.

So, save time and let the specialists do the hard work for you, and see speedy results when the amount of junk mail and even spam calls you receive reduces almost immediately. 

Sign up to DeleteMe now, with subscriptions starting at only $10.75 a month.

Will Simonds runs Senior Marketing Operations at DeleteMe, and is a steadfast privacy advocate who has a resolute dedication to online privacy solutions and helping people regain their privacy. …
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