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Trends in business privacy regulation, cyber and physical security, and related emerging technology.

September 28, 2022
Read the September 2022 issue of our business privacy newsletter.
September 22, 2022
On the 15th of September, 2022, Uber announced that it was hacked. Speaking to The New York Times, Sam Curry, a software security engineer at Yuga Labs, “They [the hacker] pretty much have full access to Uber. This is a total compromise, from what it looks like.” A breach of this size on a househ…
September 13, 2022
Whatever way you look at it, the move to remote and hybrid working has not been good for corporate cybersecurity. But the most dangerous threats from shifting workplace locations are not necessarily the most obvious ones. In a recent webinar, GroupSense CEO Kurtis Minder and DeleteMe CEO Rob Shav…
August 31, 2022
Discover the key differences between privacy and identity protection programs.
August 29, 2022
Read the August 2022 isuse of our business privacy newsletter.
July 28, 2022
Read the July 2022 issue of our business privacy newsletter.
May 20, 2022
Security professionals are working hard to defend their organizations from cyberattacks through a combination of training, policies, and technology. But, despite all that work, phishing attacks still account for 70-90% of all malicious data breaches. Why? In short, threat actors are innovators&#8…
April 29, 2022
Learn about the 3 ways that Google can negatively impact employee privacy (and organizational security).
March 10, 2022
Although the launch of ContiLeaks and the information revealed there didn’t slow the Russian Hacker gang down, it did provide everyone here at DeleteMe who is dedicated to protecting our customers’ privacy with some important validation about how personally identifiable information (P…
March 1, 2022
Better brand recognition, a lot more working capital, and a chance to liquidate life-changing equity grants: staff at any business about to go public might be looking forward to these kinds of benefits. However, what most also invariably get on the side is a great deal of attention—not always the…

How does DeleteMe privacy protection work?

  1. Employees, Executives, and Board Members complete a quick signup 
  2. DeleteMe scans for exposed personal information
  3. Opt-out and removal requests begin
  4. Initial privacy report shared and ongoing reporting initiated
  5. DeleteMe provides continuous privacy protection and service all year

    Your employees’ personal data is on the web for the taking.

    DeleteMe is built for organizations that want to decrease their risk from vulnerabilities ranging from executive threats to cybersecurity risks.


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      The Online Privacy Company.

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