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Kids Live Safe Opt Out Guide

October 24, 2023

To opt out of Kids Live Safe, follow our Kids Live Safe opt out guide below.

Kids Live Safe is a people search site/data broker that collects and posts people’s personal information online. 

The site’s main focus is showing members potential threats in their area, i.e., information about registered sex offenders near them (which isn’t foolproof – data brokers have been fined in the past for suggesting certain individuals were potential sex offenders when they were not). 

However, Kids Live Safe can also be used more generally to find out personal information about individuals you’re curious about, as well as figure out who is behind a particular phone number. 

As with any people search site or data broker, it’s always good practice to opt out of these kinds of databases. 

Use our step-by-step guide below to opt out of Kids Live Safe.

DeleteMe’s Kids Live Safe Opt-Out Review

To remove a listing from Kids Live Safe, you need to fill out an opt-out form and verify your request over email. After that, your listing will be removed within 24 hours.

Speed: 1 Difficulty: 1

How to Remove Yourself from Kids Live Safe

Opt out from Kids Live Safe in 7 simple steps. 

1. Access the Kids Live Safe website

Go to the Kids Live Safe website.

You can access the Kids Live Safe website by clicking the following URL:

Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Click the “Remove Me From Website” link in the footer.  

Kids Live Safe footer - Remove Me From Website option

3. Click “Get Started”

You will be redirected to the Help Center. 

Click the “Get Started” button.

Kids Live Safe Help Center - Get Started button

4. Fill out the form

You will be redirected to an online form. Fill it out.

Enter your first name, last name, age, and state.

Click the “I’m not a robot” checkbox.

Click the “Continue” button.

Kids Live Safe Help Center - Continue button

5. Click “Remove” beside your listing

You will see a list of results.

Choose the result you want to remove by clicking the “Remove” button. 

Search results on Kids Live Safe

6. Verify your request

Kids Live Safe will ask you to verify your removal request.

Enter your email address. We recommend you use a temporary email.

Click the checkbox and the “I’m not a robot” checkbox.

Click the “Continue” button.

Kids Live Safe verification request for opt out

Your removal request has been successfully submitted. Kids Live Safe will send you an email confirmation link.

Kids Life Safe message saying opt out request submitted

Go to the inbox of the email address you provided earlier and find the email from Kids Live Safe.

Click on the email confirmation link.

Note: The confirmation link is only valid for 60 minutes.

Kids Live Safe email regarding record removal request

The opt-out process is now complete.

Kids Live Safe opt out verification

Congratulations! You have now successfully completed a opt-out!

Who Else Is Selling Your Info? 

You’ve completed your Kids Live Safe removal, but Kids Live Safe isn’t the only data broker selling your personal information online (learn more about data brokers in our comprehensive data broker guide).

Follow our data broker opt-out guide to see what other data brokers and people search sites you may need to remove your data from. Some of our most popular guides include:

Alternatively, subscribe to DeleteMe to get your personal information removed from these and other data broker sites for you. 

Kids Live Safe FAQs

Here are some common questions that people have about Kids Live Safe.

What is Kids Live Safe?

Kids Live Safe is a people search/data broker service that aggregates billions of public records to provide background checks on individuals, with a particular focus on sex offenders. 

In business since 2009, it claims to provide access to more than 350 million people in their background database, 500 million phone records, and 750,000 registered offender records. 

Kids Live Safe reports include the following information:

  • Names and aliases
  • Address history
  • Phone & email information 
  • Employment history, professional licenses, and corporate affiliations
  • Relatives, associates, and neighbor records 
  • Felonies and misdemeanors 
  • Social media records
  • Professional licenses
  • Voter registration
  • Hunting/weapons permits 
  • Financial disputes
  • Color photos. 

Users can find reports based on a person’s first and last name or phone number. It is also possible to search for people by neighborhood. This is a feature that Kids Live Safe markets as “a comprehensive accounting of offenders near your home.”

Kids Live Safe lets members set up monitoring and email alerts on four individuals and four “monitoring areas” to find out when information about a person changes or a new sex offender registers within a user’s monitoring areas. 

Important note: While you may use Kids Live Safe to find out personal information about others, other people can also use it to find out information about you. What’s worse is that the data on people search sites and data brokers isn’t always accurate. According to one report, 40% of information on data brokers is incorrect – one data broker has even been fined by the FTC for wrongly identifying people as sex offenders. As a result, it’s always a good idea to opt out of people search sites like Kids Live Safe. 

Is Kids Live Safe legit?

Kids Live Safe is legit in that it provides personal information on individuals without breaking any laws. However, the accuracy of this information can vary. 

Does an account on Kids Live Safe cost anything?

An account on Kids Live Safe costs $29.93 per month. You can also get a 7-day trial for $1.

Is Kids Live Safe a paid site to view?

Yes, Kids Live Safe is a paid site to view. To become a member, you have to pay $29.93 per month, although there’s a 7-day trial that costs $1 (membership renews automatically after the trial is over). 

Is Kids Live Safe accurate?

Kids Live Safe data is as accurate as data on any other people search site/data broker, i.e., it may be accurate in some areas and totally inaccurate in others or completely false. 

For example, in the past, the FTC fined a data broker for selling inaccurate background checks that suggested potential employees were sex offenders when, in fact, they might have just shared the same name as an actual offender. 

For this reason, it’s important to opt out of Kids Live Safe and other people search sites. 

Laura Martisiute is DeleteMe’s content marketing specialist. Her job is to help DeleteMe communicate vital privacy information to the people that need it. Since joining DeleteMe in 2020, Laura h…
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